Testimonials from Clients

March 2023

After a difficult birth and emergency cesarean, Erin helped me feel whole again. I can't recommend Erin highly enough, especially if you're a new mom. She helped me recover and reconnect with my body. She was a source of physical and emotional support throughout my postpartum period, reminding me to be patient with my progress during such a difficult time. I was incredibly impressed with how knowledgable Erin is; I learned so much about my own body while working with her. I've been in a variety of coaching and athletic environments, and Erin is a true stand out coach.

J.M. / 30+ client


January 2021

Erin has changed my life. She is deeply knowledgeable about a wide variety of exercises and applies them in infinitely adaptable ways. She has helped me work through each of the issues I've had over the years, making my everyday life far more comfortable and active. And, she has a real knack for explaining what she wants me to do in ways that make them easy to perform; her metaphors are priceless.

B.S. / 70+ client

march 2021

I have worked with Erin for many years now, at times to recover from an injury, at others to deepen my understanding of core work and to enhance my athletic performance. I have always been impressed, not only with her tremendous breadth of technical knowledge, but the way in which she is completely present and in the moment during our work together, in every single session. It is hard to articulate the finer points of her training; she can detect subtle corrections that need to be cued, and find different ways of explaining them. She watches carefully and listens deeply. A dancer can learn all the steps but can only become so good if they can't really hear or feel the music. Erin is the kind of trainer who can be with her client, teach the "dance steps" and "hear and feel the music."

A.F. / 50+ client


JAnuary 2021

Erin is the perfect combination of knowledge, empathy and patience, and her dedication towards her clients is without reservation.

J.C. / 60+ client

JAnuary 2021

Erin has a magical ability to find the parts of your body that are not working correctly, often those parts are NOT the ones that are hurting! And then she comes up with simple, easy to remember routines to strengthen and correct the root causes of the original pain or limitation.




Testimonials from Students

april 2021

I can't speak highly enough of Erin's Move and Breathe Better classes. They are a wonderful combination of experiential learning and detailed instruction about the body. The exercises and explorations every week can seem simple to start with, but are often revelatory about fundamental physical processes and structures and how we inhabit them. Erin is an excellent teacher who is passionate about her subject matter; she has a talent for making complex systems understandable and is infinitely patient and thoughtful in response to individual questions. It is amazing to have been the owner of this body for so many decades but (with hindsight) to have known so little about it!

M. W. / 70+ student


January 2021

Erin is one of my favorite instructors; she has a presence that is gentle, grounded and strong. She is always so proactive about providing modifications, offering helpful tips for at-home practices and I love how every class incorporates multiple modalities and philosophies of wellness. When I think of a holistic practitioner she immediately comes to mind! Whether you're a beginner or more experienced, she offers classes that meet you where you’re at, with the support you need to grow.

N.B. / 40+ student

January 2021

I only had one breathing class with Erin. It was excellent. My intentions were to take many more, then COVID hit… I’ll be the first to sign up when in person classes start happening again. And I love Erin’s inspirational emails.

T.F. / 60+ student


January 2021

Attending Erin’s classes has been such a deep, relaxing, and reviving experience for me. She is engaging, approachable and encouraging during class, which helps me to push myself, but also feel comfortable when switching up positions that are best suited for my body. After each session my mental and physical energy is restored and my mindset is realigned. Her knowledge in muscle and tension release is incredible. I discover muscles I had no idea needed attention. I’m so grateful to have her as a wellness resource.

B.S. / 20+ student



Testimonials from Colleagues

April 2024

Erin is a deep and compassionate well of wisdom. With devotion to her work both as student and teacher, her teaching style is practical and playful. It is a notable gift to learn from Erin, as she holds so much understanding around the workings of the human experience — in body, breath, and mind. I feel incredibly grateful to have found Erin at the start of my yoga study. As a student of the practice, far more interested in the healing capacity of the heart and mind than the physical body, Erin brought in anatomical teachings that were accessible, digestible and fun. Her passion, love and joy for what it means to be an empowered being in a human body is truly unmatched. It is a real pleasure to learn with and alongside Erin, and I highly recommend that you invest in yourself, your practice and your work by receiving mentorship from this bright, brilliant and expansive individual. You will surely be glad that you did!

N.G. / Yoga Teacher