What Feels Like the End is Often the Beginning

Erin McCabe Inspiring Quote.png

As we approach the end of 2019, we are also approaching the end of this platform, HereCast (previously DailyUV), being the springboard from which I have been able to launch blog posts and events, and many others have been able to share news, photos, and stories. As of tomorrow HereCast will no longer be an active platform as they take a hiatus to regroup and analyze their next steps.

During this transition, I am slowly moving all of my previous blog posts to my website and plan to continue to continue to write blog posts on a regular basis; if you have any topics of interest let me know. So really this is just a new beginning - a new location for posts to live, a new year and decade ahead, and many other things that might only be ideas right now. And most importantly this time of ending and new beginning provides us time to transition and pause - time to reflect back, to look ahead, and to just take a moment to be; just as HereCast is taking a hiatus, we can all be reminded in the power of the pause.

If you have been reading along you might know that I set an intention each month or moon cycle as a way to stay mindful and present. This past month and moon cycle my intention and focus was around the various circles, cycles, and spiral rhythms and movements that are ever present in the world around us - the reminder that each ending is an opportunity to start again. Here are some of my favorite quotes on this topic:

"What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from." T. S. Eliot

"The real voyage of discovery consists, not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." Marcel Proust

"Isn't life a series of images that change as they repeat themselves?" Andy Warhol

Circles, cycles, and spirals remind us that we are constantly growing, adapting and changing, yet so often in the same landscape. Though none of these quotes directly talk about taking time to pause, it is clear that each speaks of a renewal and transition. So take a moment to pause, see with new eyes, notice the repeating images, and shift to make an end a starting point. Seasonal changes and that start or end of each new day are great examples of the repeating images of the same landscape; the real practice is in having new eyes looking forward to each ending becoming a new starting point!

This past month, not only did I notice and practice these cyclical rhythms with movement and breathing - focusing on spiral patterns in my movement and mobility practice, and practicing slower breathing to feel the suspension after the inhale and pause after the exhale - I also observed this as I ate a croissant, swirled my hot chocolate, watched The Lion King - talk about having new eyes and finding time to pause!

Here's to endings becoming new beginnings - how will this end become your new start? Take a moment to pause as we end 2019 and trust that 2020 will bring a new beginning seeing with new eyes of changing yet repeating images. Stay connected with me in person by taking class, or virtually via my website, Instagram, or Facebook.