Reflecting Back & Looking Ahead

What a year we have all been through. Can you believe we are coming upon 1 year of living in this altered way due to the Covid-19 pandemic? I read in Daybreak today that today marks one year that we had a confirmed case here in the Upper Valley. I will admit, I was very naive at that time, thinking life would only change in minor ways and not for very long. Little did we know how much would change in the year ahead. And what a year it has been with not only coping with a viral global pandemic, but also with layers of racial and social injustice epidemics, mental health epidemics, and financial burdens for some that will plague them for years to come.

I'm sorry to start this off on such a stark note, but I think there is a lot of value in reflecting back and acknowledging what a tough year we have all been through and borne witness to. Take time in the weeks ahead to honor the grief, shock, uncertainty, anxiety, worry, and whatever else comes up for you. Then take time to look ahead, to hope, to plan, to find the unexpected gifts this past year has also given us. Life is all about the downs and ups, the struggles and the triumphs, the grief and the hope. We, humans, are not one dimensional with only happy or only sad, we are all of it and we feel all of it, whether we admit it or not. So if you’re a little tired, a little worn down, having difficulty sleeping, or experiencing anything else that just feels off, maybe you need more time to process this past year and the shifts you have experienced and witnessed.

As you take time to feel this past year, be honest with who you might need to support you. Is it a friend, family member, partner, or professional? As you wade through and let go of some of this heavy baggage, you might be able to see the brightness of what lies ahead more clearly, you might realize how strong and resilient you (and all of us) are, you might even feel a glimmer of gratitude for how this past year has played out in some way.

Winter is a season of letting go and it is followed by spring, the season of renewal. We are in this transition point in so many ways; letting go and feeling hopeful for renewal. The theme for my spring term of classes will be that of play, hope, and the ability to oscillate. If you are intrigued by play, check out Playcore’s website and Dr. Stuart Brown’s work here; Dr. Stuart Brown has studied play for decades and he says, “Play behavior is one of the most important parts of being human.”

If you want to bring more play into your day and exercise or movement routines, check out my spring schedule here.

And I will leave you with this Mary Oliver quote:

“Come with me into the woods where spring is advancing, as it does, no matter what, not being singular or particular, but one of the forever gifts, and certainly visible.” Mary Oliver

Here’s to reflecting back and looking ahead and experiencing all of the ups and downs of life, especially in this past year.

Erin McCabe